I've been working at Even for over a year now, and we use Cloud Run for everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. We use it to.......(which also works in our current implementation). For instance, this could mean that you might use cloud run hostings as your own private (around-the-world) VPN.
Cloud Run SSH - computation power & on-demand
Mistakes and discoveries
The story starts with a blunder. In fact, my first major blunder of the year. A couple of weeks ago, I was enthusiastically adding continuous.......please let us know by reply. Best, John Anyway, that's all for today. In case you liked the article, share it with your friends 😊
project:20, URL:14, Overleaf:12, GitLab:10, repository:9, source:7, repo:6, pipeline:6, people:5, link:5, http:5, artifact:5, PDF:5, GitHub:5, way:4, source code:4, mirror:4, code:4, change:4, www:3, user:3, sync:3, response:3, paper:3, overleaf:3, mode:3, https www:3, hour:3, document:3, blunder:3, article:3, access:3, Thank:3, researcher mode:2, repository mirror feature:2, Overleaf repo:2, work research Conclusion:1, synced repository right:1, submodules aren:1, research papers:1, repo pipeline:1, read write URL:1, project papers:1, pipeline schedule:1, pipeline artifacts:1, pallav xyz resume:1, overleaf project:1, mirror URL:1, medium term:1, https pallav:1, gitmodules files:1, git overleaf com URL:1, disaster mitigation:1, default access mode:1, blog post:1, Such git modules:1, Simple right:1, Overleaf project:1, Merge https git:1, JAN 14 2018:1, Important Privacy Considerations:1, GitLab repository:1, GitLab repo:1, GitLab mirror sync:1, GitLab CI:1, GitHub API:1, 2000 results:1,
Encrypted posts on a Static Website
A couple of days ago, I decided to start writing a detailed guide to GSoC and open source contributions. However, I have seen many people.......approach, I would be very thankful if you leave a comment below :) If you like my work, you can also follow me on GitHub.
password:18, post:13, file:12, cpt:11, encrypted:8, content:8, code:8, blog:8, vim:7, encryption:7, source:6, markdown:6, encrypt:6, decrypted:6, side:5, decryption:5, decrypt:5, HTML:5, CI:5, client:4, access:4, GopherJS:4, way:3, version:3, user:3, page:3, need:3, master:3, converter:3, buffer:3, browser:3, article:3, Gitlab:3, BufReadPre:3, BufReadPost:3, proj varstack:2, master password:2, decrypted text:2, client side:2, MASTER _KEY:2, Jekyll converter:2, Gitlab CI:2, vim configuration:1, vim buffer:1, version control:1, use node:1, test page:1, source markdown files:1, source files:1, source contributions:1, server side:1, post doesn:1, post content:1, points 2 3:1, password verification:1, password s:1, password env variables:1, output password:1, obstacle course:1, nobin augroup END Keen observers:1, neovim:1, md files:1, master password decrypt:1, markdown files encrypted:1, markdown files:1, inputsecret Password:1, inbuilt libraries:1, https github:1, http vim augroup CPT:1, files encrypt:1, end user shouldn:1, encryption prototype:1, encryption protocols:1, encryption decryption methods:1, encryption code:1, encrypted page:1, encrypted contents:1, encrypted content:1, encrypt decrypt:1, difficulty accessing:1, decryption protocol:1, decryption codes:1, decryption algorithm:1, decrypted version:1, cpt files:1, cpt:1, configure vim:1, configuration isn:1, configurable server side:1, computer security:1, compatibility table:1, client side decryption:1, bug vulnerability:1, buffer contents:1, body tags:1, blog source:1, blog post:1, article series:1, Test Page:1, RC files:1, Plugins Dir:1, JavaScript code:1, JS Decrypt:1, Encrypted pre built:1, Encrypted Page:1, Decrypted version:1, 10 points:1,
Automating HTTPS certs using Namesilo and Letsencrypt
TL;DR I automated the procedure of obtaining and installing HTTPS certificates for all my domains and subdomains using the APIs provided by Namesilo (my registrar),.......here in case anybody has a similar issue: GitLab Pages API 404 error for certain projects The installation to GitLab code can be viewed here.
certificate:18, domain:17, challenge:14, DNS:13, 01:11, certbot:10, API:10, GitLab:9, script:8, Namesilo:7, website:6, change:6, HTTP:6, server:5, need:5, minute:5, Step:5, 15:5, use:4, registrar:4, record:4, name:4, flag:4, executable:4, entry:4, case:4, DIR:4, CERTBOT:4, mode:3, http:3, host:3, gen:3, automation:3, alexa pallav xyz:3, TXT:3, HTTP 01 challenge:3, DNS record:3, 15 minutes:3, web site:2, domain name:2, automation script:2, GitLab API:2, DNS changes:2, DNS 01 challenge:2, www varstack com:1, www pallav xyz:1, wrapper script checks:1, work dir DIR gen:1, varstack com:1, value somerandomstring:1, security issues:1, script returns control:1, registrar GitLab:1, preferred challenges dns:1, policy changes:1, pallav xyz:1, noninteractive:1, non https website:1, minutes:1, manual public ip logging ok:1, manual auth hook DIR hook certonly:1, m pallavagarwal 07 gmail:1, logs dir DIR gen:1, instance alexa pallav xyz:1, host:1, helper files:1, end user:1, domains sub:1, domain subdomain:1, domain ownership:1, domain names:1, domain name system:1, domain host:1, config dir DIR gen:1, challenge executable:1, challenge HTTP 01 HTTP 01 challenge:1, certonly modes:1, certificates need:1, certificates increases:1, certificate generation:1, certbot process:1, certbot non interactively:1, case anybody:1, bit hacky:1, alexa pallav xyz:1, agree tos:1, _ acme challenge abc pallav xyz:1, _ acme challenge TXT entry TXT:1, TXT entry:1, TLS SNI 01 challenge:1, TLS SNI 01:1, TL DR:1, Step 5 Installation:1, Step 4:1, Step 3 Stall 15 minutes:1, Step 2:1, Step 1:1, SSL certificates:1, RESTful APIs:1, RESTful API:1, Proving domain ownership:1, Pages Domains API:1, Namesilo API Namesilo:1, Namesilo API:1, May 2016:1, Long version:1, Indicate preference:1, HTTPS certificates:1, HTTP pages:1, Google Chrome:1, GitLab code:1, GitLab Pages API 404 error:1, GeeMusic server:1, DNS provider:1, DNS entry:1, DNS entries:1, DNS 01 DNS 01:1, DNS 01:1, CERTBOT _VALIDATION:1, CERTBOT _DOMAIN domain:1, CERTBOT _DOMAIN CERTBOT _VALIDATION:1, 3 months:1, 3 lines:1,
Simplifying CI with Nix
So, I know I haven't written anything in a while, and that's because the last semester was my heaviest yet. But now since that has.......as the newly created user. This is not required in Travis since the default user in Travis is already a non-root user with sudo priviledges.
Nix:19, package:16, CI:13, Travis:12, config:10, dependencie:8, script:6, OS:6, user:5, system:5, project:5, Travis CI:5, time:4, manager:4, link:4, use:3, test:3, something:3, problem:3, package manager:3, need:3, file:3, example:3, code:3, Ubuntu:3, NixOS:3, Nix config:3, GitHub:3, Arch:3, sudo priviledges:2, non root user:2, language s:2, GitLab CI:2, usr bin:1, test projects:1, python NLP libs:1, nix store:1, master branch:1, integration service:1, installation procedure:1, install nix sh script:1, hashed directory names:1, everything deterministically:1, error messages:1, dependency management:1, default user:1, day bidding:1, configure something:1, configuration script:1, Sep 2015:1, NixCI Example:1, Nix package manager:1, Nix NixOS:1, Nix CI:1, NIXey goodness:1, GitHub repository:1, GitHub link:1, CI job:1, 1000 x:1,
An intern's views - End of Diary
The series: An intern's views - How I got here An intern's views - A month's end at Google An intern's views - How far.......working, I often read other papers (design documents) of things Google was working on, and I was never disappointed. Google is fascinating from the inside.
Google:18, intern:7, people:5, view:4, India:4, Google India:3, things Google:1, tech jobs:1, side benefit:1, finance companies:1, drives Google:1, dress code:1, design documents:1, campus placements:1, campus internship placements:1, Hong Kong:1, Google U S:1, Google U S:1, Google Intern:1, Google India doesn:1,
Mistakes are okay
Hey... Whoever is reading this. This article has been sitting in my mind for a week now, and I finally decided to write it. So,.......being silly at times. Stop comparing other peoples (successes) with your (successes, failures). Please. If you think this article is worth re-telling, share it :)
time:8, thing:8, passport:5, bag:5, week:4, restaurant:4, people:4, mistake:4, internship:4, article:4, something:3, hour:3, guy:3, Google:3, work authorization documents:1, work authorization:1, user id:1, time:1, survival bias:1, office laptop:1, office badge:1, mistakes Sigh:1, imposter syndrome:1, guy messages:1, cash counter:1, bug reports:1, bag:1, Z things:1, U S:1, Nobody blogs:1, New York:1, 4 hours:1, 30 targets:1,
An intern's views - How far have I come?
AKA, what the hell about work? I have gone on and on about getting here. The things I found here. But I have still made.......on just these topics. Doubt? Question? Suggestion? I think the comment panel below works :) Next in series: An intern's views - End of diary
code:22, project:16, people:10, Google:9, work:7, review:7, intern:7, Blaze:6, way:5, view:5, tool:5, lot:5, code reviews:5, programming:4, problem:4, week:3, time:3, source:3, something:3, reviewer:3, request:3, point:3, name:3, dependencie:3, correctness:3, company:3, comment:3, college:3, Googler:3, Bazel:3, years coding:1, works:1, week 1 interns:1, week 1:1, test suites:1, source version:1, source code:1, request 400 lines:1, request:1, project B:1, programming projects:1, planning lectures:1, people aren:1, machine clusters:1, https bazel:1, expert nit picking:1, command structure:1, college right:1, code Reviews:1, change list:1, blog article:1, Style Guides:1, Star Trek:1, Programming Club IITK repositories:1, Next steps:1, Earth people:1, Dropbox:1, Blaze team:1, Anybody reading:1, Ant Maven CMake Gradle:1, 90 comments:1, 850 upvotes:1, 6 rows:1, 50 step radius:1, 5 people:1, 40 comments:1, 3 people:1, 2 weeks:1, 2 people:1,
An intern's views - A month's end at Google
The series: An intern's views - How I got here An intern's views - A month's end at Google An intern's views - How far.......later. But till then, if you're reading this, leave a comment below :) Next in series: An intern's views - How far have I come?
intern:19, Google:19, office:15, work:10, week:6, thing:6, room:6, game:6, class:6, view:5, people:5, orientation:5, food:5, wall:4, time:4, project:4, massage:4, board:4, wasn:3, table:3, stuff:3, movie:3, machine:3, ethic:3, drink:3, day:3, code:3, cafe:3, aren:3, MK:3, Cafe:3, work hours:2, work practices:1, work laptops:1, work desktop:1, west coast offices:1, weekends:1, video games:1, table tennis tables:1, source code:1, smash anyone pool:1, secrecy privacy model:1, privacy screens:1, power converters:1, pet projects:1, orientation room:1, opening closing times:1, nap pods:1, mouse pads:1, massage rooms:1, images aren:1, google food:1, glass walls:1, game rooms:1, foosball tables:1, food wouldn:1, food outlets:1, everything Google:1, ethics course:1, ethics classes:1, energy drinks:1, department aren:1, cooking class:1, coffee machines:1, coast offices:1, chairs aren:1, breakfasts:1, board games:1, bit:1, barista machine:1, arcade games:1, air hockey:1, Yankees game:1, USB cables:1, Poor man:1, New York:1, NYC office:1, Mountain View:1, Micro Kitchens:1, Massage chairs:1, Internship 2013:1, Google isn:1, Game rooms:1, Free food:1, Free Food:1, Basic stuff:1, BUT Cafes:1, 9 documents:1, 3 MKs:1, 2 game rooms:1,
An intern's views - How I got here
AKA, how I got an internship in Google. In case you were wondering why the actual title is so obscure, it is because I want.......think you would regret the experience even if you tried and failed? Next in the series: An intern's views - A month's end at Google
interview:28, Google:26, project:15, company:10, placement:9, point:7, article:7, Dec:7, referral:6, recruiter:6, people:6, lot:6, campus placements:6, campus:6, year:5, view:5, time:5, thing:5, question:5, process:5, intern:5, experience:5, college:5, Resume:5, Facebook:5, work:4, week:4, student:4, step:4, person:4, offer:4, mail:4, Recruiter:4, GSoC:4, AM:4, team:3, shit:3, schedule:3, project interviews:3, penalty:3, interest:3, end:3, chance:3, case:3, Oct:3, Nov:3, 6 weeks:3, 26:3, 17:3, Google recruiter:2, 2 companies:2, year undergrad:1, undergrads aren:1, time Google Referral:1, term exam:1, tech companies:1, table tennis achievements:1, steps 8:1, spam protection:1, shit:1, schedule time:1, request 11:1, rejection mail:1, referral incentives:1, referral 26:1, project interview:1, project host:1, programming competitions:1, placement penalty:1, placement cell:1, offer causes:1, offer acceptance:1, interviews 26:1, interviews 17:1, interests 13:1, https careers:1, game theoretic perspective:1, favoritism ends:1, fate:1, contact details:1, comfort zone:1, college books:1, class 8:1, blindfold Rubik:1, application Procedure:1, Tech company:1, Software Engineering Intern:1, Sep GSoC support:1, Resume:1, Recruiter mails:1, November 17:1, Nov Interview:1, North America:1, IST 16:1, IIT Kanpur:1, Google offices:1, Google Summer:1, GSoC support:1, Fair Resume:1, Engineering Practicum Intern:1, Dec Recruiter:1, Dec 12 15 AM:1, Date Event 23 rd Sep:1, Data Structures:1, 40 minutes:1, 4 15 AM:1, 4 08 AM:1, 4 04 AM:1, 30 min:1, 10 minutes:1, 1 page:1,
YourHonour: A k8s based distributed programming judge
So, this is something I have been working on recently for some time. The project's name is YourHonour, and is is a Kubernetes(k8s) based Online.......send to, and hence kills all descendants of the malicious process as well. This seems to work well, and I haven't had much problem since.
container:14, process:13, parent:9, code:9, child:9, resource:8, way:7, time:7, internet:7, user:6, server:6, access:6, docker:5, solution:4, problem:4, judge:4, flag:4, cluster:4, attack:4, Kubernete:4, need:3, isn:3, internet access:3, file:3, behaviour:3, DoS:3, unprivileged user:2, DoS attacks:2, wakeup alarm signal:1, use docker containers:1, time Possibility:1, time Killing:1, source code:1, scheduling algorithm:1, resources Kubernetes:1, proxy gateway:1, parent sets:1, organising programming competitions:1, nodejs server doesn:1, niceness value:1, limit container resources:1, judge isn:1, iptable rule:1, internet connection:1, input output files:1, host node:1, google search:1, gain access:1, fork bomb increases:1, exit status signal:1, drop connections:1, docker multinode method:1, docker container ends:1, container orchestration:1, container access:1, computers VMs:1, code Preventing:1, child process:1, change user permissions:1, accessing internet:1, Usual way:1, TimeLimit errors:1, Open Source solutions:1, Online Judge:1, Kubernetes k:1, Fork bombs:1, Exit Signal status:1, DoS attacks crush:1, CPU limits:1, 404 pages:1,
Preparation for Google Summer of Code (GSoC)
Preface: I have been selected for Google Summer of Code (GSoC ’16) under Gentoo Organization. Firstly, I would suggest that you start now. Since I......."About me" page). Pallav Agarwal (https://github.com/pallavagarwal07) Note 4: This article was originally written as a Quora answer, and can still be found on the website.
code:12, proposal:11, project:11, mentor:10, package:8, work:7, time:7, something:7, year:6, organization:6, GSoC:6, task:5, people:5, need:5, manager:5, ll:5, contact:5, use:4, thing:4, package managers:4, github:4, experience:4, doesn:4, developer:4, coding:4, way:3, show:3, request:3, repo:3, preparation:3, opinion:3, mind:3, matter:3, learnt:3, kickass proposal:3, kickas:3, isn:3, idea:3, bug:3, anything:3, OS:3, Gentoo:3, wouldn t:2, s code:2, proposal submission:2, isn t:2, doesn t matter:2, years:1, wasn t:1, use linux:1, use SSH port forwarding:1, understanding someone:1, time zones:1, text editor:1, task gain:1, t stress:1, surprise:1, show others:1, selection:1, right tools:1, proposal time:1, proposal doesn t:1, project page ideas:1, project LFS:1, programming tasks:1, packaging scripts:1, package manager automation:1, notification volume:1, mentor s mails:1, master:1, ll need:1, ll end:1, learnt something:1, judgment day:1, issues section:1, isn t preparation:1, https www:1, https github:1, group competition:1, github repositories:1, github repo:1, github project facebook pathpicker:1, effort:1, driver OS:1, doesn t:1, debian package:1, couldn t:1, contact details:1, computer courses:1, community request:1, code pieces:1, code need:1, c python:1, Version Control System:1, University exam:1, Quora answer:1, Pallav Agarwal:1, Operating Systems:1, Google Summer:1, Github Explore:1, Gentoo Organization:1, GSoC 16:1, Don t:1, Big Mistake:1, 2 years:1, 2 reasons:1, 100 lines:1, 1 year:1,
Learning from mistakes: Bugzilla Landfills
This post is regarding a recent incident that happened when I was working for my project in Google Summer of Code. My day's task was.......Anyway, for future reference, there is something called a Bugzilla Landfill that you can use for testing out something on a Bugzilla. Thanks for reading
bug:6, something:3, future reference:1, Google Summer:1, Bugzilla Landfill:1,
Determining legal USE Flag combinations using a CNF SAT Solver
I spent my time doing something rather interesting today. In my proposal, I had mentioned that the USE flag combinations to be tested would be:.......the eyes in the form of numbers. If you have any queries, post them below or open up an issue on github. Thanks for reading
flag:26, operator:9, USE:8, combination:5, problem:4, bracket:4, number:3, formula:3, USE flags:3, CNF:3, flag 1 flag 2 flag 3 operator:2, default flags:2, USE flag combinations:2, CNF formula:2, portage API:1, parent bracket:1, implication operator:1, graph problem:1, flag 2 flag 3 operator:1, flag 1 operator:1, flag 1 flag 2 operator:1, flag 1:1, flag 1:1, combination os USE flags:1, boolean satisfiability problem:1, b c:1, XOR operator:1, USE flag combo:1, USE flag:1, SummerOfCode 16:1, SAT formula:1, REQUIRED _USE:1, Harald Timeraider:1, CNF form:1, 1 from n operation:1,
Reference Sheets and Useful Links
This post was long due. I often find blog posts, reference sheets and useful links that I feel I should bookmark. However, I often lose.......I knew this before I took the Architecture course in IITK. Must Read. Undo Last Git Commit: Another one stolen from StackOverflow highest voted category.
upvoted questions:1, text articles:1, shift Operating Systems:1, reference sheets:1, python Future:1, design choices:1, blog posts:1, Unix bedtime stories Sorted vs Unsorted Array:1, Unix Programming:1, PYTHON 3:1, PYTHON 2:1, Function:1, Architecture course:1, Appendix D:1,
Ultimate control over Mobile Browser with Firefox
It is no secret that I love firefox. Even though sometimes, it can run a bit slower than Chrome, Firefox has always provided me with.......and the ports themselves aren't enough. The network.proxy.type needs to be set to 2 (which is the equivalent of the menu option "Manual proxy configuration")
setting:5, proxy:3, config:3, proxy settings:2, pipelining settings:1, menu option:1, love firefox:1, firefox browser:1, developer tools:1, config works flawlessly:1,
SSH port forwarding and some cool uses
I'll begin with some of the bare minimum and absolutely amazing things ssh port forwarding is capable of, and see if I can convert this.......using local ip address (shown in ifconfig) . While SSHing, set up dynamic port forwarding. Now internet is accessible via socks proxy through the tunnel.
port:18, ssh:9, forwarding:8, request:7, website:5, localhost:5, connection:5, access:5, server:4, pallav:4, myserver:4, example com:4, 8081:4, thing:3, socks proxy:3, sock:3, proxy:3, port forwarding:3, port 8081:3, login:3, localhost 8081:3, laptop:3, command:3, case:3, Syntax:3, PC:3, 8081:3, ssh access:2, website restrictions:1, things ssh port forwarding:1, thing ISP:1, sshd service:1, ssh connections:1, room:1, port data:1, port 80:1, people confusion:1, need access:1, login page:1, ip address:1, gain access:1, forwarding request:1, default http port:1, day check:1, computer doesn:1, blog post:1, SSH connections:1, SSH connection:1, Remote port forwarding Syntax:1, R 8081 localhost pallav myserver:1, R 8081 example pallav myserver:1, Quiz time:1, Local port forwarding Syntax:1, L 8081 example pallav myserver Meaning:1, IP address:1, Dynamic port forwarding Syntax:1, D 8081 pallav myserver:1,
Google Summer of Code with Gentoo
I am excited to say that I've been accepted for this year's summer of code under Gentoo Organisation. This section of the blog will be.......related tools in Gentoo, including tatt and eix. I would keep on updating this page with more information as I find it. Thanks for reading
package:8, project:5, testing:4, Gentoo:4, test:3, system:3, architecture testing:3, architecture:3, test things:1, test scripts:1, rules tips:1, package management:1, foremosts tasks:1, customizable experience:1, coding period:1, May 22:1, Gentoo Organisation:1, Contact people:1, April 23 rd:1,
Easy sharing of SSH keys
This tip may be obvious to many people, but I feel this worth mentioning. A lot of us have SSH keys set up for github........your public keys with others by giving them your github username. For example, curl https://github.com/pallavagarwal07.keys >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys would give me ssh/scp access to your PC.
github:3, ssh scp access:1, https github ssh authorized:1, github username:1, github sakshamsharma:1, SSH keys:1,
Linux commands every user should master
When it comes to linux, there are some commands that you can't live without and then there are some you shouldn't live without. I mean.......compact scripts). Now, that you know the secrets, get cracking! I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Consider sharing this article using the links below.
command:35, search:15, name:14, grep:14, inet:12, file:12, use:10, output:10, netmask:10, man:10, 172 24 8 63:10, directory:9, filter:8, content:8, type:7, case:7, line:6, time:5, flag:5, doesn:5, broadcast:5, 255 255 255 255:5, 255 0 0 0:5, 127 0 0 1:5, txt:4, stdin:4, regex:4, power:4, packet:4, overrun:4, linux:4, inet 172 24 8 63 netmask 255 255 255 255 broadcast 172 24 8 63 inet 127 0 0 1 netmask 255 0 0 0:4, format:4, example:4, error:4, digit:4, bytes:4, address:4, TX:4, RX:4, user:3, terminal:3, size:3, separator:3, script:3, root:3, recursively:3, pipe:3, isn:3, ifconfig:3, group:3, folder:3, expression:3, dot:3, anything:3, TODO:3, MiB:3, IP:3, user root:2, type f:2, size 4 M:2, maxdepth 4:2, man grep:2, linux commands:2, ifconfig grep:2, directory name:2, amin 3:2, TX errors 0:2, RX errors 0:2, IP addresses:2, 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0:2, use something:1, use 0 9:1, use:1, type man:1, terminal commands:1, terminal command:1, substitution pattern:1, substitution content:1, substitute command:1, stream editor:1, separator:1, search command:1, regex expressions:1, regex expression:1, r searches sub folders recursively:1, r TODO:1, perl type regex:1, parent directory:1, name txt:1, name pallav WITHOUT:1, max 4 levels:1, man page:1, man command right:1, ls grep:1, ip address:1, ip addr:1, i txt:1, i flag:1, formatting doesn:1, format isn:1, folder recursively:1, folder name:1, flags 73 UP mtu 65536 inet 127 0 0 1 netmask 255 0 0 0 inet 6 1 prefixlen 128 scopeid 0 x 10 host loop txqueuelen 0:1, enp 9s flags 4163 UP mtu 1500 inet 172 24 8 63 netmask 255 255 255 255 broadcast 172 24 8 63 inet 6 fe 80 f prefixlen 64 scopeid 0 x 20 link ether f 0 76 1c txqueuelen 1000:1, commands doesn:1, code comments:1, chmod command:1, case sensitivity name:1, case insensistive search:1, bash time command:1, atleast 1:1, RX packets 529 bytes 1361550 1 2 MiB:1, RX packets 2578393 bytes 3323277819 3 0 GiB:1, Local Loopback:1, IP address:1, First grep:1, 4 MegaBytes:1, 4 M:1, 3 times:1, 3 minutes:1, 3 digits 1 3:1, 1 3 digits:1, 1 3 3 d:1, 0 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 529 bytes 1361550 1 2 MiB:1, 0 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 1368479 bytes 189953405 181 1 MiB:1, 0 9 1 3 3 0 9 1 3 0 n:1,
Configuration Management in Linux
You can't yourself a linux enthusiast if you've never run into the problem of sorting out your configuration files. All of your precious files like.......before being replaced by a symlink to prevent data loss. I hope you enjoyed reading this article. Consider sharing this article using the links below.
folder:15, file:15, place:10, config:10, symlink:7, way:5, font:5, configure py:5, vimrc:4, time:4, system:4, source:4, dotfile:4, configuration:4, problem:3, path:3, part:3, need:3, line:3, command:3, code:3, change:3, article:3, Xdefault:3, VIM:3, source code:2, folder _config:2, data loss:2, configs folder:2, config files:2, vim:1, version control:1, trouble remebering:1, target path:1, symlinkable files folders:1, symlink status:1, python 2 configure py:1, place vimrc:1, place vimrc:1, place path:1, place fonts:1, myconfig backup 2015 11 30_13 46 31 configs nvimrc Xdefaults configure py:1, linux enthusiast:1, fonts folder:1, fonts:1, folder configs:1, files need:1, configure py:1, configuration system:1, configuration management:1, configuration files:1, config system:1, config folders:1, code files:1, bottom lines:1, bottom 3 lines:1, backups folder:1, UNIX way:1, First things:1, Config Management:1, 50 configuration files:1,
Introduction to Cimulator
Cimulator is a tool that can help you see you program in action. That means no more mysterious floating point exceptions, no more hidden runtime.......folder the code file gets generated in. First two people to complete this task will get a treat from me (Pallav Agarwal) in CCD :).
program:10, output:10, input:8, box:8, simulation:6, error:6, button:6, gcc:5, code:5, Cimulator:4, reset:3, part:3, input box:3, reset button:2, output box:2, gcc output:2, coding part:2, Pause button:2, time something:1, text area:1, statement:1, runtime errors:1, resp:1, reset everything:1, printf statement:1, point exceptions:1, output space:1, output interpreter:1, output box flashes:1, input part:1, hand side:1, docker instance:1, directory listing:1, custom code:1, colour changes:1, bottom right:1, ace editor:1, Simulation:1, Pallav Agarwal:1, Bug Report button:1,
Shared SSH sessions with TMUX - Best of terminal
Since the title isn't very descriptive, let us look at what we are trying to achieve. Click the image below to view the animation I.......attach. This should attach the second terminal to the same TMUX session. ENJOY! If you liked this article, please comment below, or share with others.
terminal:6, computer:5, use:3, tmux:3, server:3, need:3, use Linuxbrew:1, title isn:1, terminals need:1, ssh username ccpc:1, root access:1, person SSH:1, package manager:1, machines need:1, TMUX session:1, IIT Kanpur:1,
Windows 10: A Linux User's Perspective
For the TL;DR people, here is the verdict. Microsoft has tried (For the first time, it seems) very hard to actually make the OS more.......wish that such improvements would keep coming to Windows in the coming years. If you liked this article, please comment below, or share with others.
Windows:19, window:18, WIN:11, app:7, desktop:6, user:5, search:5, screen:5, right:5, menu:5, Tab:5, 10:5, time:4, half:4, Next:4, Microsoft:4, Ctrl:4, 10:4, 10:4, windows 10:3, way:3, use:3, transition:3, tiling:3, thing:3, switch:3, support:3, people:3, metro apps:3, metro:3, linux:3, feature:3, OS:3, Linux:3, App:3, Alt:3, right half:2, linux user:2, Windows 10:2, Windows 10:2, work environment:1, windows 8 search:1, windows 10:1, user experience:1, use Windows 8 product:1, tiling window managers:1, tiling window functionality:1, thing Windows:1, switchable desktops:1, splitting screen:1, screen mode:1, right direction:1, preinstalled Windows:1, phone number:1, package manager:1, non technical community:1, legacy applications:1, keyboard shortcuts:1, i 3wm:1, facebook feed:1, everything works:1, download setups:1, direction Keys:1, desktop environment:1, default search provider:1, default browser:1, compromise user:1, command isn:1, adware toolbars:1, action center:1, Windows installation:1, Windows Store:1, Windows 8 1 isn:1, Windows 8 1:1, Windows 8:1, Windows 8:1, Windows 10:1, Window Management:1, Win 8:1, Win 10:1, Verdict:1, Unix systems:1, Unified Metro Apps:1, Ubuntu pacman:1, USB disk:1, Type 45 456:1, Task View list:1, TL DR people:1, Redhat portage:1, PackageManagement:1, Package Managers:1, Package Management:1, Multiple Desktops:1, Microsoft EDGE:1, Many apps:1, Linux Workspace equivalent:1, Impressions:1, IE 11:1, First thing:1, F 4:1, Dominos Window:1, Bing search:1, Arch yum:1, Arch Linux:1,
Using SSH from Windows 10 without PuTTY
With the recent upgrade to Windows 10, Microsoft fixed many of the things that I despised in Windows 8. I don't usually use Windows if.......when running in full screen mode, it is indistinguishable from a linux terminal (After SSHing obviously). Yes, this is windows SSHed into a linux machine.
Windows:5, use:4, SSH:3, SSH client:2, windows SSHed:1, windowed Metro apps:1, use Windows:1, use SSH:1, use PuTTY everytime:1, support xterm color:1, support xterm:1, screen mode:1, linux terminal:1, linux machine:1, Windows 8:1, Windows 10 Microsoft:1, Windows 10:1, SSHed server machine:1, Metro App:1,
Cython: Boost Python Code Performance
This tip is for those people who have been working on large python projects and the fact that python is a slow language as compared.......I'll now leave you alone, while you explore Cython's extensive documentation, and pride yourself on reading this post. I hope that helped. Please Share. :)
Cython:9, language:6, code:5, python:4, type:3, string:3, compiler:3, C code:3, type declarations:1, result:1, python projects:1, class attributes:1, Real World example:1, Python programming language:1, Python language:1, Levenshtein distance:1, First part:1, Cython programming language:1, Cython language:1, Cython code:1, Cython 0 20 x:1, CPython 2 6 2 7 2 4:1, C types:1, C semantics:1, C functions:1, C C compilers:1, 4 lines:1, 15 x speedup:1,
Wrath of Linux Package Managers
We all love to characterise things as "More than the sum of it's parts". We'd like to say the same about our linux operating system........not) end up with a broken, unusable system as the different package managers will step on each other's files and overwrite each other's essential files.
package:17, manager:10, system:7, package managers:6, binarie:5, ARCH:5, part:4, everything:4, Ubuntu:4, sum:3, package manager:3, Pacman:3, LFS:3, DPKG:3, Linux Mint:2, use pacman:1, system noticably:1, stone releases:1, source code:1, linux system:1, installs binaries:1, i 3wm:1, folder structures:1, folder structure:1, dpkg installs everything:1, deb packages:1, choosed Pacman:1, characterise things:1, base package manager:1, Window Manager:1, Ubuntu Ubuntu:1, Package Managers:1, LFS project:1, Gentoo forums:1, Arch system:1,
Essential VIM plugins
RECAP: First, lets recap. Vim plugins are used to add functionality to vim. That functionality can be syntax highlighting, bracket matching, mode switching, easy file.......look at other users' vimrcs for more plugins. You never know what you'll discover. Here's mine to start with. BEST OF LUCK CUSTOMIZING YOUR VIMRC!
plugin:14, vim:8, functionality:5, line:4, code:4, syntax:3, github:3, vim startup:1, vim directory:1, uncommenting lines:1, text encoding:1, syntax completion:1, scrooloose nerdcommenter AIRLINE:1, plugin managers:1, plugin manager:1, integration plugin:1, inbuilt keys:1, home folder:1, github repositories:1, github link https github:1, debugging code:1, code editor auto:1, bundle folder:1, bottom status bar:1, airline displays:1, Zeal app:1, YouCompleteMe plugins:1, Vim plugins:1, Plugin:1, Plug:1, Nerd Commenter:1, NeoBundle:1, LUCK CUSTOMIZING:1,
VIM: Setting a colorscheme
Every good text editor deserves to have a customizable color scheme. For vim, colorschemes are installed as any other plugin. Most colorschemes can be downloaded.......for the above are: jellybeans solarized codeschool railscasts vividchalk lucius Tomorrow-Night mustang As always, use tab completion in vim to make searching for colorschemes easier.
colorscheme:14, color:11, vim:10, terminal:8, plugin:6, 256:6, vim:3, use:3, plugin manager:3, name:3, manager:3, jellybean:3, flazz:3, vim folder:1, use tab completion:1, use 256 colors:1, typing TERM xterm:1, truecolor terminals:1, text editor:1, terminals support atleast 256 colors:1, terminal name:1, t _Co:1, plugin csapprox:1, light color schemes Tomorrow Night Mustang TROUBLESHOOTING:1, light background variants:1, jellybeans solarized codeschool railscasts vividchalk lucius Tomorrow Night mustang:1, jellybeans colorscheme:1, home directory:1, force vim:1, flazz vim Vundle Plugin:1, flazz vim Pathogen Execute:1, flazz vim NeoBundle NeoBundle:1, customizable color scheme:1, colorscheme pack:1, colors jellybeans:1, clone https github:1, cd vim bundle:1, autoload folder:1, Vim colorschemes:1, Vim Plug Plug:1, High contrast colorscheme Lucius:1, CodeSchool RailsCasts Vividchalk:1, 256 colors:1, 256 color terminals:1, 256 color pl:1, 256 color pallete:1,
Plugin Management in VIM
What I've written in this post is my opinion, and should not be taken as fact. There may be features I don't know about, and.......and downloads the file in the proper place if it isn't. if empty(glob('~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim')) silent !curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junegunn/vim-plug/master/plug.vim autocmd VimEnter * PlugInstall endif
plugin:25, Vim Plug:10, vimrc:8, Plug:8, vim:7, manager:6, command:5, plug:4, http:4, code:4, plugin manager:3, place:3, clone:3, case:3, autoload:3, Vundle:3, JUDGEMENT:3, plug end:2, package managers:2, https github:2, fLo vim autoload:2, boilerplate code:2, vim scripts org Plug username pluginname:1, vim scripts Wombat:1, vim loadup:1, vim autoload:1, scrooloose nerdtree:1, ruby support:1, preference order:1, plugins aren:1, plugin managers:1, plug begin Plug:1, plug begin:1, nanotech jellybeans Plug:1, nanotech jellybeans:1, installation step:1, github version:1, create dirs https raw autocmd VimEnter:1, create dirs https raw:1, comparision section:1, bundle folder:1, Vim Plug Plugin Manager:1, VUNDLE Vundle:1, VIM PLUG Vim Plug:1, Updating plugins:1, Plug plugin name:1, Package Manager:1, NERDTreeToggle:1, Lazy Loading Example:1, 5 x:1,
Quick intro to custom Vim Mappings
One of the best things about vim is its ability to create custom mappings for almost any key in all modes. Suppose you want Ctrl+S.......Ctrl + Shift + a <Enter> <BS> : Backspace etc.. The whole list can be viewed here or using the :help key-notation command inside vim.
mode:12, rh:5, Ctrl:4, vim:3, lh:3, command:3, cmd:3, Ctrl S:2, vimrc inoremap:1, vim philosophy:1, operator pending mode i:1, none:1, mode v:1, mode nore:1, mode nore:1, mode n:1, max resolve depth:1, key notation command:1, default functions:1, custom mappings:1, command maps lhs:1, Esc w EXPLANATION:1, Esc w:1,
Vim Customization: Guide to writing your own VIMRC
Vim is all about customization. It comes from a long line of ancestors starting from ed (1971), ex (1976), vi (1979), and finally VIM (1991)........be almost essential for an efficient workflow. Now that you've learnt the secrets of your editor, it is time to customize your own. Happy VIMMING.
vim:9, editor:5, plugin:3, mouse:3, word completion:1, vim keybindings:1, vim colorscheme:1, text editor:1, syntax completion:1, resize panes:1, premium text editor:1, plugin manager:1, package management:1, mouse support:1, github branch:1, ed 1971:1, character encoding:1, bottom bar:1, VIM 1991 Vim:1, PACKAGE MANAGER:1, MOUSE CONTROL:1, Happy VIMMING:1, 1976 vi 1979:1,
Using Mouse with VIM in the terminal
Just when you thought vim couldn't surprise you anymore, vim strikes again. As it turns out, vim supports mouse integration even in the terminal. Not.......other options too (check using help mouse). I found that using: set mouse=nv (for normal and visual, but not insert mode) works best for me.
mouse:8, mode:6, vim:5, vim strikes:1, vim couldn:1, split screen:1, mouse support:1, mouse nv:1, mouse integration:1, mouse a:1, mode v:1, mode i:1, mind blowingly:1,
Package Management without root access - An intro to LinuxBrew
First a little background. At my college, we are given login accounts for accessing PC's at the Computer Labs. I usually use them for setting.......a very actively developed project and chances are, by the time you are reading this, it would be as perfect as other linux package managers.
package:9, brew:6, directory:4, manager:3, linux:3, home directory:3, home:3, export:3, bashrc:3, LinuxBrew:3, HOME:3, work environment:1, system doesn:1, python brew:1, preinstalled packages:1, package manager:1, need root access:1, login accounts:1, linuxbrew folder:1, linux package managers:1, installs packages:1, installation page:1, export PATH HOME export MANPATH HOME export INFOPATH HOME:1, clone https github linuxbrew:1, brew doctor:1, accessing PC:1, Mac OS X HomeBrew package manager:1, First paste:1, Computer Labs:1,
IIT Kanpur: The First Year
First of all, I think congratulations are in order. If you are reading this, you have probably cracked one of the toughest exams in the.......hope to see you at IIT. Also consider looking at the following resources: Collection of Articles about IITK #thatsIITK Our Professor's Guide to JEE Counselling
year:17, IIT:15, campus:12, student:11, Kanpur:11, IITK:10, IIT Kanpur:9, decision:6, rank:5, college:5, part:4, branch:4, time:3, thing:3, team:3, reading:3, hostel:3, home:3, group:3, fresher:3, fact:3, download:3, doesn:3, city:3, Guide:3, Student Guide:2, IIT Bombay:2, winner team:1, student bodies:1, science wizard:1, return home:1, pallavagarwal 07:1, need guidance:1, metro cities:1, linux logs:1, housing teachers:1, hostel timings:1, hostel rules:1, hobby groups:1, engineering colleges:1, dada:1, computer games:1, coaching teachers:1, clothes haven:1, chachu:1, campus community:1, branch change:1, baapu:1, art courts:1, Year students:1, Wind Tunnel:1, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles:1, Total amount:1, Saksham Sharma:1, SG baapu:1, Pallav Agarwal:1, LAN ban:1, Kunal Kapila:1, Kanpur city:1, JEE Advanced:1, Indian Institutes:1, IIT Delhi:1, HD movie download:1, Full disclosure:1, Download limits:1, DC LAN:1, Branch doesn:1, BS Maths branch:1, Autonomous Underwater Vehicle UAV:1, Automotive Engineers AUV:1, Academic Mentor:1, 5 students:1, 5 6 students:1, 4 members:1, 20 MBps:1, 2 minutes:1, 1055 acres:1, 100 GB:1,
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- Easy sharing of SSH keys
- Using SSH from Windows 10 without...
- Cython: Boost Python Code Performance
- Quick intro to custom Vim Mappings...