Screenshot of vim-plug plugin manager in action

Plugin Management in VIM

What I've written in this post is my opinion, and should not be taken as fact. There may be features I don't know about, and my preference order may not be same as yours.

Here is a quick overview of the plugin managers that I've used, ending with explanations on how to use my personal favorite, Vim-Plug. You may skip the comparision section if you just want to be started quickly.


No discussion of package managers is complete without mentioning pathogen. Pathogen is one of the oldest Package Manager for vim. It simply allows you to clone every plugin into a separate directory inside a bundle folder. This way, all plugins can retain their git directories, and can be updated with proper git commands. All Pathogen does, is ensure that all plugins get loaded at runtime when vim is started.

JUDGEMENT: Too low level. You cannot disable and enable plugins as easily as other package managers, your plugins aren't shown in vimrc.


Vundle is the plugin manager I've used the longest. All plugins can be listed in your vimrc, and you don't have to clone each one manually. A simple :PluginInstall takes care of the plugins' installations. Commenting out a single line from vimrc keeps that plugin from loading up. Updating plugins and upgrading VUNDLE is just as easy as the install command.

JUDGEMENT: Vundle has some difficult to remember boilerplate code, and the plugin install is single threaded. On my system, that takes a significantly more time (around 5x) than the multi threaded Vim-Plug.


Vim-Plug is a fork of Vundle, and thus has all its features. Apart from that, if your vim is compiled with python or ruby support, or you are using Neovim, Vim-Plug uses multi-threading to clone your plugins in parallel. Vim-Plug also supports lazy loading of plugins, which means that plugins may be set to load only on specific commands, making your vim loadup much faster.

JUDGEMENT: I shifted to Vim-Plug a few weeks ago, and haven't looked back since. I haven't encountered any problems and till now it seems like the perfect plugin manager to me.

Using Vim-Plug Plugin Manager

The good thing about Vim-Plug is that there's no boilerplate code to make it work.

First, let us install Vim-Plug (This only needs to be done once). Download this file and place it ~/.vim/autoload

Alternatively, you can use the following command to do it for you. Paste the following inside a terminal.

curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \

At the top of vimrc, start the plugin manager with the command call plug#begin().

This starts the area within which all your plugins will be listed. A plugin is listed in the following format:

Plug '<plugin name>'  "If the plugin is on
Plug '<username>/<pluginname>'  "If the plugin is on

If the plugin is on, there would be a mirrored github version which you can find via Google. For example, in case of the corresponding code will be

Plug 'Wombat' "OR
Plug 'vim-scripts/Wombat'

while in the case of the corresponding code will be

Plug 'nanotech/jellybeans.vim'

Note: Text following " inside vimrc represents a comment.

In case you want to lazy load a plugin, this would be a good place to learn how.

Once you have listed all your plugins, end the call with call plug#end().

Putting all this together, we get:

call plug#begin()
Plug 'Wombat'
Plug 'nanotech/jellybeans.vim'
Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree' , {'on': 'NERDTreeToggle'}  "Lazy Loading Example
call plug#end()

Put this in your .vimrc and you are good to go.

PRO-TIP: If you are like me, and do not want to do the installation step every time you have to use your vimrc on a new system, you can put the following on the top of your vimrc. It basically checks if Vim-Plug is installed, and downloads the file in the proper place if it isn't.

if empty(glob('~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim'))
    silent !curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
    autocmd VimEnter * PlugInstall

Pallav Agarwal Image
My name is Pallav Agarwal. I am an undergrad of the department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India. I love experimenting with tech, and this blog is a way for me to give a little helping hand to other's who are like me (but don't know it yet).

I am ambitious, intelligent, competitve (sometimes too much), loyal and brutally honest. People I respect the most are teachers, which is partially why I myself like to teach too. Apart from programming, I also like travelling, adventure sports and trying new food items. If you like a post, have a query, or just want to chit-chat, let me know here