Linux commands every user should master

When it comes to linux, there are some commands that you can't live without and then there are some you shouldn't live without. I mean sure, you can live your life without ever using grep or find but you'd never believe how much productive knowing a few more terminal commands can make you.

Here is a list of the commands we are going to take a look at:

  1. man
  2. grep
  3. find
  4. sed

The command that started it all: man

I really hope you know this one. But in case you don't, well today is your lucky day. This command is really special because it will, from today onwards be your first guide to using any terminal command. man stands for manual and is literally your handbook of linux commands. Any time you are wondering how to use a command, sed for example, open up your terminal and type

man <command>

or as in this case,

man sed

and it will give you a quick summary of what the command is, and how to use it. There isn't anything more than that to it, yet I use it multiple times everyday when I forget the syntax of chmod command or have forgotten how the bash time command is different from that packaged with zsh.

Search through files, content, outputs, basically anything: grep

This one is basically a search command. But unlike the upcoming find command, this one doesn't search for just the names of files. It searches through their content as well. Not only that, it is also super handy when you have to filter out lines that contain some specific content from let's say a huge output from previous command. This command takes getting some used to, but after some time, you wouldn't even believe you used to be able to get any work without it. Let's start, shall we?

  • Content from files

    Let's say you want to search for any files in which you have TODO written inside (as in code comments maybe?) also, you want the search to be case insensitive and search all subfolders of current folder too (recursively). You'd write:

    grep -i -r TODO .

    Now, I suggest you look up the flags (those dash followed by characters) I used in the above command using man grep. I will still tell you in case you don't have a means to run the man command right now.

    The -i flag is for case-insensistive search.

    The -r searches sub-folders recursively.

    TODO is the phrase we want to search for. You can even use regex expressions (which is where the true power lies), and that seems to be true for many linux commands you'll learn in future.

    . is the usual symbol for current directory. .. can be used for parent directory, or a directory name can be given, relative to the current directory.

  • Content from stdin or pipe

    If the last parameter file or folder name to search in previous command is not provided, then grep tries to search in stdin. Now, that doesn't mean you actually have to type the content, but being able to take content from stdin allows grep to use something much more useful in linux - pipes! What a pipe or | does is that it sends the output of one command as stdin to another. Thus, a command like:

    ls | grep -i txt

    will execute ls and then take that output and give it to grep. Now grep will execute its search on this content (output of ls). Thus, in above example, it will search for lines that will have txt in them.

The plain old but much more powerful than you thought find command

The find command is one of the most used commands in Linux. find command is used to search and locate list of files and directories matching arguments you specify. find can be used in variety of conditions with its various flags to find files by permissions, users, groups, file type, date, size and other possible criteria. The format for the find command is a little unintuitive for those with a habit of using grep or ag. Like always, I'd advice you to read the man page for find using man find command.

  • Files by their name

    To find a file by its name, just use the following format:

    find <directory> -name <name>

    So, if you want to search for a file named abc.txt in current directory, you can do

    find . -name "abc.txt"


    find . -name "*.txt"

    to find all files ending with .txt

    Note that the only compulsory argument is the directory name. The -name is just to filter the files by name. And as you may have guessed, there are a lot more filters at your disposal. This will also search all sub-directories in the current folder recursively.

  • Files using advanced filters

    Let's look at the following command:

    find -maxdepth 4 -amin +3 -iname "PaLLaV" -size -4M -type f -user root

    This is an example of how multiple filters can be chained up to create an advanced search.

    • -maxdepth 4 will go at max 4 levels down (in subdirectories) while searching.

    • -amin +3 will keep only those files that were last accessed more than 3 minutes ago (notice the + in +3).

    • -iname "PaLLaV" will search for files with name pallav WITHOUT caring about case sensitivity (-name would've been case sensitive).

    • -size -4M will only choose those results that are less than 4MegaBytes because of - in -4M.

    • -type f will filter out the files and ignore the directories.

    • -user root will only give out the files that are owned by root.

As you may have guessed, these are not the only filters you can use. There are actually tons more. You can literally phrase the command to find any file you lost on your hard drive and only remember vague details about.

The stream editor with all powers of an editor: sed

I know I promised you a tutorial of sed, but the fact is, there is no way I can do justice to its power in a few paragraphs. So, instead I'm going to refer you to this tutorial. It's long, but I really recommend you go through the starting parts. sed has terrible documentation and man sed doesn't help a lot in this case, because just knowing the format of commands doesn't bring out its power at all. If you aren't sold yet, I'll give you an easy example of sed usage. Let's say you ran ifconfig and got the output:

enp9s0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        inet6 fe80::f276:1cff:fe0b:b377  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
        ether f0:76:1c:0b:b3:77  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 2578393  bytes 3323277819 (3.0 GiB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 1368479  bytes 189953405 (181.1 MiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING>  mtu 65536
        inet  netmask
        inet6 ::1  prefixlen 128  scopeid 0x10<host>
        loop  txqueuelen 0  (Local Loopback)
        RX packets 529  bytes 1361550 (1.2 MiB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 529  bytes 1361550 (1.2 MiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

but you just want the output to be type followed by ip addr, for every ip address as in:



Let's try to make the output like that:

  1. First grep to filter out the lines that have IP addresses.

    ifconfig | grep -P "(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}"

    Couple of things to note: The -P is for using perl type regex. This allows us to use \d for digits, in sed we'll still have to use [0-9] as \d format isn't supported. Then we say that there will be atleast 1 and at most 3 digits {1,3}. Then it will be followed by a dot \.. Read up on regex if you don't know why the dot has been preceded by a \. Then this whole group (digits and dot) is repeated exactly 3 times, followed by another group of 1-3 digits.

    This filters out the lines with IP addresses as in:

        inet  netmask  broadcast
        inet  netmask
  2. Now we use sed to add newlines after every IP address.

    sed -r "s|([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}|\0\n|g"

    Now, the -r is to use extended regular expressions. s is for substitute command. | is the separator (can be anything not used in the substitution pattern). This is followed by the same regex expression as before, but instead of \d we have used [0-9] as \d isn't supported by sed. Then we use another separator |. Then we have the substitution content. \0 just puts the whole pattern that was matched. This is needed as we do not want to delete the original content. The \n is for a newline. The |g is another separator followed by global without which only the first match in every line will be replaced. Now the output is:


    Unfortunately, the formatting doesn't look too good.

  3. Let's add a new sed command to eat all the beginning spaces:

    sed -r "s|^ *||"

    This one's easy, by using ^, we are substituting for all the spaces in the beginning of the line and replacing with nothing. This gives us the final output:


Note, our final command thus will be:

ifconfig | grep -P "(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}" | sed -r
    "s|([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}|\0\n|g" | sed -r "s|^ *||"

and while this might seem like too much work, think about how much you'd have to write if you were to create a script to do these transformations using C++ or python. These commands allow creation of really clean and compact scripts (OK, maybe just compact scripts).

Now, that you know the secrets, get cracking!

I hope you enjoyed reading this post.

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My name is Pallav Agarwal. I am an undergrad of the department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India. I love experimenting with tech, and this blog is a way for me to give a little helping hand to other's who are like me (but don't know it yet).

I am ambitious, intelligent, competitve (sometimes too much), loyal and brutally honest. People I respect the most are teachers, which is partially why I myself like to teach too. Apart from programming, I also like travelling, adventure sports and trying new food items. If you like a post, have a query, or just want to chit-chat, let me know here